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White Styrene

High Impact Polystyrene Sheet (HIPS) is a white thermoplastic with excellent heat forming properties. Styrenes low melting point means it needs to be laser cut with special attention. Simple shapes work best as intricate detail tends to melt and be lost. The sheets have tendency to warp as it heats up when being cut so be sure to allow lots of space in between the pieces. Styrene does not engrave very well. Line engraving is favored over area engraving and intricate details are not recommended. Typically a etched line will disrupt the surface tension of the material and cause it to snap rather than to fold.

Same day turnaround

White Styrene example product.

Design specifications

Maximum sheet size

800.00 x 400.00mm

Kerf width


Minimum thickness


Maximum thickness


Minimum overall part


Minimum feature size


Minimum engraving detail


Mechanical properties

Ultimate tensile strength

42 MPa

Yield strength

20-28 MPa

Young's modulus

2.1 GPa

Elongation at break

2.5 %



Physical properties

UV resistance



1.8 g/cm3

Electrical properties

Electrical resistivity

16 log

Post treatments

Affixable Properties

Chemical, Mechanical

Thermal properties

Maximum service temperature

1.8 g/cm3

Thermal expansion coefficient

8 - 10 cm / (cm °C)

Thermal conductivity

0.16 - 0.22 W/(m⋅°C)